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Pictogram on Volume 14 of The Native American Indian by Edward Curtis

The Curtis Legacy Foundation is the centralized reference source for scholars, researchers, authors, and others who are interesting in finding out more about Edward S. Curtis. We collect and publish historical documents, scholarly articles, Curtis family stories, and other materials that are difficult or impossible to find elsewhere.

Here's a guide to the resources we're currently providing on our website.

Edward S. Curtis: A Detailed bibliography

Curtis Bibliography

We have the most detailed bibliography of writings and other media by and about Edward Curtis and The North American Indian.

Picture of article and image Stone Houses written by Edward Curtis

Other Writings by Curtis

Before and during his work on The North American Indian, Edward Curtis wrote more than a dozen articles about photography and about some of the Native Peoples he visited.

1912 Prospectuses Cover To promote The North American Indian to potential high-end clients.


To promote The North American Indian to potential high-end clients, Curtis published elegant prospectuses for publication.
We have seven different versions in PDF form.

The North American Indian books on a bookshelf.

Research Documents

Historical documents and recent research about Curtis and his work by contemporary scholars, historians, and authors.

Clips from online videos about Edward Curtis.

Films and Videos

Here are some of the recent videos about Edward S. Curtis that are now available online.

Photo of The Curtis Census Webpage

The Curtis Census

Learn about our efforts to identify and locate every set of the Curtis masterpiece, The North American Indian.

The North American Indian, here are the primary archives of materials produced by Curtis during the course of his work.

Other Research Archives

For anyone interested in doing original research on Curtis or The North American Indian, here are the primary archives of materials produced by Curtis during the course of his work.

Image of Edward Curtis bibliography

Online Resources

Links to some of the many online resources available to learn more about Edward Curtis and The North American Indian, plus links to dozens of Native-led news and nonprofit websites.

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