We are off to Seattle once more the middle of April to photograph two Descendants.
We have located Jeff Smith who is the great-grandson of Wilson Parker, “Makah Whaler”. We met Jeff the first time at the Curtis Symposium we spoke for in Seattle back in November. Jeff was selected to introduce us at that event. Mr. Smith is the Executive Director of the Nakani Native Program. This program, led by Native people, works to bring equality and social justice to enhance tribal life, build resilience and survival of all. We are very excited to get his perspective and photograph to share with all of you!
We will also be interviewing and photographing Ken Workman, great-great-great-nephew of Princess Angeline in the “Clam Digger”. Ken is a Duwamish Tribal Council member who was raised to never talk about his native lineage. We have run into Ken at every single Curtis related event we have attended in Seattle over the last year. He is an amazing advocate for getting the Duwamish tribe recognized by the Federal government, as well as teaching the general public of the rich Duwamish heritage of the Seattle area. Again, we are so thrilled to be bringing his story to you as well.