google-site-verification=PDwS4_vHGbbXQGuMGdP_nj1uEnvCxxap0kIZMv1Rzig Curtis Legacy Foundation | Legacy Sustainers
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Mosa, A Mohave Girl, 1903

Give Monthly and Become a Legacy Sustainer

By becoming a monthly donor to the Curtis Legacy Foundation, you'll join an important group of supporters we call Legacy Sustainers.




Three Reasons to Give Monthly

It's budget-wise. You can become a Legacy Sustainer for as little as $5 a month. By spreading your generosity over time, you can help us make a bigger difference.

It saves time. You can feel good about supporting our work without having to complete a separate donation form each time. Your gift will automatically be deducted each month through your credit card or bank automatic transfer. It’s easy and completely secure.

You receive special benefits by becoming a Legacy Sustainer. Check out the list of range of options. 

How Does It Work?

  1. Sign up using our secure form above.

  2. Select whether you want to have your donation processed by credit card, PayPal, or Venmo.

  3. Your gift will automatically be given to the Curtis Legacy Foundation once a month on the date that you select.

  4. In January of each year, we will send you a statement of your donations for your tax purposes.

Legacy Sustainers Receive These Benefits

  • $5 monthly:  A personal thank you letter from John Graybill, founder and president of the Curtis Legacy Foundation

  • $10 monthly: Above benefit, plus one free set of gifts cards

  • $25 monthly: Above benefits, plus one free calendar (as soon as available) and early invitations to special events

  • $50 monthly: Above benefits, plus one free Edward S. Curtis: Unpublished Alaska book

  • $100+ monthly: Above benefits, plus two personal phone or Zoom calls from John and Coleen Graybill

Guide Star goldseal

The Curtis Legacy Foundation has been awarded the GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency.

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